Fresh Start: The Pivot

2024 has arrived and holds so many endless possibilities. I am so excited for every good thing in store for all of us. But first, let’s take some time to pause and reflect for a quick moment on what this new start can pivot in our lives.

The word pivot in this sense can be defined as “different ways a person can change their personal or professional life". Furthermore, this can be our center focus, like your compass rose on the map of your personal journey.

Here are four simple steps to get a fresh start at any moment in life: 

What did 2023 teach you? What did you learn…

I’ll give you a moment to think on it. Don’t think too hard on it, go with the flow. Close your eyes and ask yourself… and you’ll find deep within yourself, you already know the answer. But are you truly open and listening? Are you open and tuned in? Once you have your answer. That is your pivotal moment, your compass rose has awakened.

Unlearn the every negative thought your mind has created

Say aloud “I unlearn every negative thought and lesson that my mind has been taught throughout my entire lifetime.” After doing this, a good way to replace the negative thought is to think positively. For example, if you say you are going to have an amazing year. I advise you say it aloud to make sure your mind believes it, your heart receives it, and your space affirms it. Your personal space. 

Think about everything that you want and need for this year. For yourself.

Right now and in this moment, you are focusing in on your personal needs and wants for the year. Don’t start off for the whole year, that can be overwhelming. Try think about the first three months, or even this month alone. Inhale and exhale, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Take a piece of paper and pen and ask yourself, “What do I want for myself in this moment?” Listen in, whatever comes to your mind or whatever you hear, write it down. It may be a picture, a word or a phase, a song, lyric or quote, a person, place or an object, or even a color. Once you have finished writing, look it over. Think positively over this pivot moment. Put it somewhere you can see it first thing in the morning after you open your eyes and every night before you close your eyes. Keep moving forward. 

Be thankful, humbled, and open

There could be endless opportunities coming your way this year. Remember to always think positively, and remain kind and compassionate to everyone, even if they aren’t towards you. Send them love. Receive all the good things coming your way with open arms and hands. You deserve it.

Ta'Kena "Tee" Dugger is a Magazine Writer at Hope Magazine. She is a Maryland naive, has experienced writing in fashion, lifestyle, Mental Health, and Black Diaspora topics. During her spare time, she loves the performing arts, writing poetry, enjoys volunteering and loves music.


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