Monique Cartwright: Embracing Body Positivity & Redefining Plus-Size Fashion

Photo Credit: McCain’s Lane Photography

Monique Cartwright, a finalist for the 2024 Full-Figured Industry Awards, shared her journey and passion for the plus-size fashion industry. She began her modeling career eight years ago at a Curvy Girl Photoshoot in Atlanta, igniting her love for the craft. Monique highlights her role as a District of Curves Casting Call judge and her participation in international lingerie fashion shows as standout moments in her career.

As a National Curves Day GA Ambassador, Monique advocates for inner peace, confidence, and self-love, aiming to uplift the plus-size community. She attributes her success to passion, authenticity, and resilience, building strong relationships within the industry. Monique collaborates with brands that align with her values of body positivity and inclusivity, and mentors aspiring models, emphasizing the importance of confidence, professionalism, and persistence.

Her participation in Miami Swim Week marked a significant milestone, offering exposure and networking opportunities. Balancing her career with family life requires organization and prioritization, a skill she learned from her project manager mother.

Monique's personal connection to AIDS awareness drives her participation in events like AIDS WALK ATL 24, honoring her late loved one. She also looks forward to the Full-Figured Industry Awards ceremony, hoping to win and make her grandmother proud. For aspiring models, she stresses the importance of patience, resilience, and protecting one's peace.

Staying motivated by her passion for representation and inclusivity, Monique aims to continue breaking barriers in the industry. She attributes her success to her supportive upbringing and remains determined despite past challenges.

Congratulations on being selected as an Outstanding Plus Model Finalist for the 2024 Full-Figured Industry Awards! How does it feel to receive this recognition?

Thank you so much! It feels incredibly rewarding and humbling to be selected as an Outstanding Plus Model Finalist for the 2024 Full-Figured Industry Awards. This recognition is not just a personal achievement but also a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion I bring to my craft. It’s an honor to be acknowledged alongside such talented individuals who are all contributing to the beauty and diversity of the fashion industry. This moment inspires me to continue advocating for body positivity and inclusivity, and I hope it encourages others to embrace and celebrate their unique beauty.

You've had an impressive career with numerous achievements. Can you share what initially inspired you to pursue a career in the plus-size fashion industry?

About eight years ago, I stumbled upon a social media post advertising a Curvy Girl Photoshoot in Atlanta. Although I felt apprehensive about attending solo, I reached a point in my life where I craved something just for myself. I told myself, 'You deserve this. Go and enjoy!' That photo shoot marked the beginning of my modeling journey, igniting my passion for the craft.

Your role as a District of Curves Casting Call judge and being featured in international lingerie fashion shows are remarkable accomplishments. What moments or experiences stand out to you the most from these roles?

Thank you so much! It feels good now being called upon to be a casting call judge. One standout moment was witnessing the confidence and diversity of talent during the casting call, seeing individuals embrace their curves and unique styles. Similarly, seeing my face as a campaign model at international lingerie shows empowered me to celebrate my body and advocate for inclusivity in the fashion industry. These roles have allowed me to inspire others and push boundaries, making each experience truly unforgettable.

As a National Curves Day GA Ambassador, what message do you hope to convey through your advocacy and participation in these events?

As a National Curves Day Ambassador, the message I hope to convey is inner peace, confidence, and self-love. I stand united with the pioneers of the plus-size community, who have battled against body shaming and advocated for diversity and inclusion in the fashion, arts, entertainment, and beauty industries. Our mission is to uplift the plus-size community by embracing self-love and challenging societal norms. #WithTheseCurves

You've been a prominent runway presence at plus-size fashion events across the country. What do you think has been the key to your success in maintaining such a strong presence in the industry?

Thank you for the kind words! I believe the key to my success in maintaining a strong presence in the plus-size fashion industry has been a combination of passion, authenticity, and resilience. I am deeply passionate about promoting body positivity and inclusivity, which drives me to give my best in every show and project. My authenticity is another key to my success, I stay true to myself and who I am... I am not perfect, and I know my weaknesses and strengths, but I do not let that define me. And lastly, my resilience has played a significant role. There have been plenty of days I felt like quitting, feeling like no one in the industry saw my vision and what I contribute to the industry. But God always reminds me that I am a hustler, that I am somebody, and that I do matter. Building strong relationships with designers, photographers, and fellow models have also been vital.

Your work with brands like LiviRae Lingerie, Curvy Sense, Parfait, BrassyBra, and Tefani’s Boutique has made you a well-known figure in body-positive advocacy. How do you choose the brands you collaborate with, and what do you look for in a partnership?

Thank you! Collaborating with brands like LiviRae Lingerie, Curvy Sense, Parfait, BrassyBra, and Tefani’s Boutique has been incredibly fulfilling. When choosing brands to collaborate with, I prioritize those that genuinely align with my values of body positivity, inclusivity, and empowerment. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Not all brands represent your brand in the right manner. You have a right to decline anything that does not build up your image and likeness. By aligning myself with brands that share these values, I can ensure that my work contributes meaningfully to the body-positive movement and helps inspire others to embrace their unique beauty.

You also mentor aspiring models through confidence-building workshops. What advice do you give to women who are new to the fashion industry and seeking to build their careers?

Mentoring aspiring models is a passion of mine, and I always emphasize a few key pieces of advice to help them build their careers and thrive in the fashion industry:

  • Embrace your unique beauty. Find your beauty within... What makes you unique? Signature style, signature walk ,etc. and run with that. Do not try to be like everyone else... 

  • Build confidence. This is something I personally work on every day. This is an everyday goal of mine to find something that I like about myself. Practice self-love and positive affirmations, and surround yourself with supportive people who uplift you.

  • Be professional. Always be punctual, reliable, and respectful in your interactions with clients, photographers, and fellow models. Remember you are the model, you are the hanger... Act accordingly models…

  • Learn, learn, learn. Stay informed about the latest trends, techniques, and opportunities. Take classes, attend workshops, and learn from experienced professionals to keep honing your skills.

  • Never GIVE UP. Rejection is part of the industry, but don't let it discourage you. Learn from each experience, stay determined, and keep pushing forward. Persistence and resilience are key to long-term success.

  • Pray, pray, and pray. 

Participating in Miami Swim Week is a prestigious honor. Can you describe your experience at this event and what it meant for your career?

Participating in Miami Swim Week was an incredible and transformative experience for me. It is one of the most prestigious events in the fashion calendar, and being part of it was a significant milestone in my career. Just like the NYFW experience, with Miami Swim Week the exposure was tremendous, connecting me with a global audience and providing opportunities to network with top designers, photographers, and industry professionals. This exposure not only elevated my profile, but also opened doors to new and exciting collaborations.

Balancing a successful career with family life is no small feat. How do you manage to devote time to your husband and children while maintaining such a dynamic presence in the fashion world?

Balancing a successful career with family life is challenging but rewarding. Making sure you are as organized as possible is a must! You must prioritize and plan your time accordingly every day. Family is first!! My mom is a certified project manager and black belt Six Sigma, so I had no choice but to be organized, but little did I know how important a simple calendar can be. Little tidbits help me maintain a dynamic presence in the fashion world while being there for my husband and children.

You have a personal connection to AIDS awareness, being the daughter of an AIDS victim. How does participating in events like AIDS WALK ATL 24 help you honor your loved one’s memory and raise awareness?

Participating in events like AIDS WALK ATL 24 hold deep personal significance for me as the daughter of an AIDS victim. It allows me to honor my loved one’s memory while actively contributing to a cause that is close to my heart. Overall, participating in AIDS WALK ATL 24 is a powerful way to honor my loved one’s legacy and make a positive impact in the fight against AIDS.

With the Full-Figured Industry Awards coming up on November 2, 2024, what are you most looking forward to at this year’s ceremony?

Winning!!! I would like to bring home the trophy and show it to my grandmother. That moment was priceless to me, and I promised her when I started this journey that I would make her proud of me. No matter what I know she is proud of me, but the trophy would just seal it for me. Also, the networking and the positive energy the show provides is remarkable. I cannot wait.

For those looking to follow in your footsteps, what qualities do you believe are essential for succeeding as a plus-size model in today's fashion industry?

Patience, resilience, mental toughness, protect your peace, quality vs quantity. These are just some of the essentials... there are so many more, but these are just a few.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your career, and what future projects or goals do you have in mind?

Maintaining motivation and inspiration in my career is fueled by my passion for representation and inclusivity in the fashion industry. Seeing the impact of my work on individuals' confidence and self-esteem keeps me driven. Looking ahead, I aim to continue breaking barriers and challenging norms, whether through expanding my presence in model workshops or collaborating on projects that promote body positivity and diversity. Every step forward is an opportunity to make a difference and create meaningful change.

Your journey is inspiring to many. Can you share a bit more about your background and how your upbringing influenced your path to becoming a leading figure in the plus-size fashion world?

Now, now, I would not consider myself a leader in the plus-size fashion world just yet. But that is certainly the goal. What I can say is that my upbringing was great. My mom has always supported me and whatever it was that I set my sights on. My mom was the first one to support me when I entered the pageantry world back then. When I said I wanted to model at the gentle age of 11, she took me to an agency to sign up. As I sat there next to my mom, I could feel the agents looking at me and sizing me up... It felt totally weird to me... During the conversation, the agent looked at my mom and said, “Mom, we love her look, but she is just too fat. She would need to lose some weight first,” and then proceeded to tell my mom how much the portfolio package would cost her… That experience was just appalling to me as a child. My mom quickly hurried me up out of their office and we never looked back. So, when I decided to get back into the modeling industry, those little girl feelings of not being good enough crept back into my mind after all these years. But the difference now vs then is… I am a grown woman who is proud of her shape, and I can hear 100,000 no’s and will keep pushing.

Lastly, where can fans and aspiring models learn more about your career and upcoming events?

IG: Iammoniquecartwright2.0

Facebook: Monique Cartwright

You can always DM me and say, “Hey girl hey, what you got going on next?” 

Shanice Love is a multifaceted entrepreneur, with ventures in the entertainment and finance sectors. Dedicated to empowerment, Shanice consistently pioneers initiatives that uplift black women, both personally and professionally, propelling them towards greater success and recognition.

Shanice Love

Shanice Love is a multifaceted entrepreneur, with ventures spanning the entertainment, finance, and trucking sectors. Dedicated to empowerment, Shanice consistently pioneers initiatives that uplift black women, both personally and professionally, propelling them towards greater success and recognition.


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