Unyielding Love: A Journey through “A Run at Love”

Wholesome. Good love. This is the kind of love that everybody does not get to experience. The type that blossoms and matures from adolescence to adulthood, rooted in friendship, branching out into a large oak tree that will stand the test of time.

Best friends Piper Mckinney and Tucker Hale are great people individually and likely will do great things independently, but what if they did those things together? 

The author of this sweet romance novel, Toni Shiloh, has done an excellent job of weaving faith, friendship, identity, trials, and familial and romantic relationships together.  

The characters are not just names on a page, but individuals who grow and change, and the reader gets to experience this journey of getting to know them over time, just like one would in real life.  The backdrop being equestrian is another experience in itself, considering most people of color only delve into that world sometimes.

Fun fact: Toni did not know much about the Kentucky Derby before writing this book, but when she began to “research the history of horse racing and that Black jockeys had won repeatedly, it made me wonder about owners.”

This story is rich with a vibrant setting, powerful short prayers that can be adapted into the reader’s prayer life, and life gems that have an organic feel.

As the story steeps, there is so much richness to soak in here, leaving the reader with that feel-good feeling!

Brittany K. Hunt

Brittany is a self-professed foodie and gladly tells everyone that “Good food is her unofficial love language!”  She lives in an Atlanta suburb with her husband and 2 daughters.


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