Practice Makes Perfect: Kick-Off Summer by Embracing You! 

As the temperature rises, so should your confidence. No matter how thick or thin you are, don’t let insecurities hinder you from an intense and adventurous summer this year. No one wakes up every day feeling one hundred percent assured in themselves, insecurities are normal and self-acceptance takes loads of practice. 

Since confidence does not come naturally, I encourage you to adopt habits that increase your self-esteem this summer. The world is your oyster, if there’s something you dislike about your body make positive reinforcements instead of forming negative idealizations. Look deep into your identity and find what truly makes you feel like the best version of yourself. 

Embrace Your Summer Mindset

An article published by the Mayo Clinic states that practices like recognizing situations that affect self-esteem and combatting negative thoughts can have numerous positive implications on confidence levels. 

When you feel trapped by several insecurities, try tracing the root of these negative feelings. Is it something someone said to you? Or could it be from hours of comparison with social media posts? Whatever the cause, finding out what triggers certain insecurities is often the first and most crucial step in coping with them.

Furthermore, challenge these thoughts with logical positive reasoning by avoiding thought patterns like “negative self-talk”. Undervaluing yourself and your abilities may seem like second nature, but it never hurts to say uplifting things instead. You’d be surprised how great you feel after saying just three good things about yourself a day. 

Embrace Your Summer Wardrobe

Not everyone is built for revealing clothes in the 70 to 90-degree weather. Though wearing risky clothing may be a great form of self-expression for a select few women, feeling beautiful is more important than just looking the part. 

Life is so much deeper than outward appearances. Considering that, I find that what makes me feel the best about myself is doing things I love. Knowing that I can do so many great things always makes me feel ten times better about who I am and how I look. 

During the summer months, I embrace myself with a summer wardrobe that caters to my love for outdoor activities. Though you and I may have different tastes, make sure that your wardrobe is a genuine reflection of who you are and what you love. 

A podcast with cognitive psychologist Carolyn Mair speaks on the connection between fashion and emotions. The psychologist expresses that our wardrobe “tells a story about who we are to the world.” 

Despite societal norms, not everyone is meant to have the perfect figure, hair, and make-up. In reality, appearances are not everything, what truly matters is feeling attractive to yourself, and making sure your story is told. 


Self-esteem: Take steps to feel better about yourself - Mayo Clinic 

Psychology of fashion, with Carolyn Mair, PhD ( 

Julianna Brown is studying to be a journalist as an upcoming sophomore at Virginia Commonwealth University. In her free time, she enjoys exercising and spending time with those she loves.  


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