Embracing A New Chapter

Embracing something new in life can come with a fear of the unknown and a new chapter and lease on life if embraced. 

“Embracing new things often requires us to embrace our fears, however trivial they may seem. You deal with fear not by pretending it doesn’t exist, but by refusing to give it decision-making authority.” ~ Chris Guillebeau

As we near the end of the summer, I want to encourage you to try something new, starting with visiting places within your city that you have wanted to visit but have either been busy or afraid to venture out and try. Whether it be a museum, restaurant, concert, or a simple walk in the park — just do it.

I understand from personal experience that wanting something new and embracing the new can be easier said than done, but once you start, it builds confidence in you and encourages you to step out even more. Take baby steps.

This is why I encourage you to start locally and as you feel comfortable, embrace new things on a wider scale. Life is a gift but can become mundane and stagnant to where you can easily become comfortable with the same routine although you were called to do and be greater.

You will be surprised by what life has to offer once you are introduced to new things. I know from experience when you are willing to try new things or connect with new people, it will open your eyes to glimpses of what God wants to do for you if only you are willing to embrace the new. Life is about risk to where you win some and you lose some, but both will hand you lessons that you can build upon if willing. 

Life is short and regret can be long. So for August, the eighth month, the number eight means new beginnings, let's see what new things God has in our path and where that path leads us. 

Here’s to embracing the new. 

Rita Taylor owns RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director, and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at www.ritajenterprisesllc.com 

Rita Taylor

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at www.ritajenterprisesllc.com


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