Bookstagram: The New Bookclub

Book Club

Book clubs are not new, but the pandemic has changed and shifted so much of how we interact with one another. Bookstagram, a virtual meeting space for bibliophiles on Instagram, has introduced and brought together book lovers to discuss all types of genres and titles. While reading fabulous books do you wonder what another reader’s experience is? Do you love reading and discussing characters, themes, topics and the relatable plots from the comfort of your home?

Bookstagram might be your tribe! There are so many groups reading a variety of literature as well as  "meeting" new people.  Across Instagram are curated accounts of book lovers that post their current reads, book stacks and give reviews of their latest read. You can start your search for accounts to follow using the hashtag #bookstagram, along with many others. Another awesome component of Bookstagram is buddy reads or book clubs that select a book, set a group of chapters to read and choose a time to “meet” to discuss. 

Sometimes groups opt for monthly chats and then discuss the whole book. Entertaining and thought provoking conversations are had about characters, relationships, book vs. film, and even casting selections. There are different perspectives from group participants that come from different (and sometimes similar) experiences, allowing everyone to learn from one another. Some groups meet virtually using a variety of platforms like Zoom, Google Meets, or simply creating a group on IG and using the chat feature for discussions while other groups meet in person after choosing a designated city and venue. 

These book clubs helped people foster new friendships despite the period  when the world came to a screeching halt when the pandemic hit. They are continuing to thrive because of new people joining in and experiencing a long-loved pastime in a modern way. Reading is a gateway to “seeing” the world and Bookstagram allows you to “see” it with book-bosomed fellows.

Brittany is a book lover with a continuously expanding To Be Read (TBR) List. She lives in an Atlanta suburb with her husband and two daughters.

Brittany K. Hunt

Brittany is a self-professed foodie and gladly tells everyone that “Good food is her unofficial love language!”  She lives in an Atlanta suburb with her husband and 2 daughters.


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