A Necessary Recharge

Life is full of twists and turns that can become exhausting at times. As you read this article, I want to encourage you to take a moment to step away from the hustle and bustle of life to reset and recharge your mind, body, and soul. 

Take a moment to think about something that most of us have become attached to: your phone. A battery powers the phone; however, as you’re using it, the battery gradually loses its power. If not plugged into a power source, you will not be able to use the phone because it will eventually run out of battery and stop working. The phone will need to recharge and at times be powered off so it can get the latest updates that otherwise would be missed if it’s never shut down to recharge.

Ladies, you are not a phone. You are much more valuable than an object that can easily be replaced, but it will require you to recognize that you are only human with a body God designed for rest. 

As we rather quickly approach the mid-point of the year, I want to encourage you to step away from it all for a necessary reboot and recharge. With gratitude, reflect on the first six months of the year, but don’t park there because you still have six months to go. The purpose of your recharge is rest of the body and rest of the mind, and to settle your spirit through prayer and being still so you can receive the latest downloads God wants to give to you on how to walk out the final part of the year. 

Turn off the phones and close the appointment books. 

You are at your best when you’re able to give your best, and one of the ways to do this is by being okay in hiding out for a moment to recharge the fabulous you. 

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director, and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at www.ritajenterprisesllc.com 

Rita Taylor

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at www.ritajenterprisesllc.com


Reconnect with Self: Take Off on a Solo Travel Reset


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